On Horn Matrix Function H2(A,A′,B,B′;C;z,w) of Two Complex Variables under Differential Operator
Vol.08No.02(2018), Article ID:85481,15 pages
Mohamed Saleh Metwally1, Mahmoud Tawfik Mohamed2, Ayman Shehata3,4*
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science (Suez), Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science (New Valley), Assiut University, New Valley, Egypt
3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
4Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Arts, Unaizah, Qassim University, Qassim, KSA
Copyright © 2018 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
Received: December 18, 2017; Accepted: June 22, 2018; Published: June 25, 2018
The aim of this paper deals with the study of the Horn matrix function of two complex variables. The convergent properties, an integral representation of is obtained and recurrence matrix relations are given. Some result when operating on Horn matrix function with the differential operator D and a solution of certain partial differential equations are established. The Hadamard product of two Horn’s matrix functions is studied, certain results as, the domain of regularity, contiguous functional relations and operating with the differential operator D and D2 are established.
Hypergeometric Matrix Function, Horn Matrix Function, Integral Form, Recurrence Matrix Relation, Matrix Differential Equation, Differential Operator, Hadamard Product
1. Introduction and Preliminaries
Special matrix functions appear in connection with statistics [1] , Lie groups theory [2] , mathematical physics, theoretical physics, group representation theory, and orthogonal matrix polynomials are closely related [3] [4] [5] . In [6] [7] [8] , the hypergeometric matrix function has been introduced as a matrix power series, an integral representation and the hypergeometric matrix differential equation. In [9] - [18] , extension to the matrix function framework of the classical families of p-Kummers matrix function and Humbert matrix function have been proposed. The third author has earlier studied the p and q-Horn’s H2, -Kummer matrix functions of two complex variables under differential operators [19] [20] . The reason of interest for this family of hypergeometric matrix functions is due to their intrinsic mathematical importance. The main purpose of this paper is to study some properties of the Horn matrix function of two complex variables which is a matrix extension of Horn scalar function [21] [22] [23] [24] .
Throughout this paper, for a matrix A in , its spectrum denotes the set of all the eigenvalues of A. If A is a matrix in , its two-norm denoted by and defined by
where, for a vector , is the Euclidean norm of y.
Let us denote and the real numbers [25]
If and are holomorphic functions of the complex variable z which are defined in an open set of the complex plane and A is a matrix in such that , then the properties of the matrix functional calculus [26] , it follows that
Hence, if B in is a matrix for which also and if , then
The reciprocal gamma function denoted by is an entire function of the complex variable z. Then for any matrix A in , the image of acting on A denoted by is a well-defined matrix. Furthermore, if
is an invertible matrix for all integer (4)
then is an invertible matrix, its inverse coincides with and from [6] , one gets the formula
Jódar and Cortés have proved in [25] , that
Taking into account the Schur decomposition of any square complex matrix A, by [7] it follows that
The hypergeometric matrix function is defined by the matrix power series in the form
If n is large enough, then for C in such that is an invertible matrix for all integer , then we will mention to the following relation already established in Jódar and Cortés [7] in the form
Let us denote
One of them is the Horn matrix functions of two complex variables (see [27] )
2. Radius Regularity of Horn Matrix Function
The Horn matrix function of two complex variables will be written in the form
where in addition A, A’, B, B’ and C are positive stable matrices and commutative matrices in such that is an invertible matrix for all integers .
For simplicity, we can write the in the form , in the form , in the form , , and in the form .
Now we begin the study of the conditions so that Horn matrix functions converges for , .
By hypothesis
thus there exists a positive number such that
From (7), (14), theorem 1 of [25] and taking into account that , it follows that
For positive numbers μ and n, we can write
Using (6), (17) in (16), we have
by the comparison theorem of numerical series of positive numbers one concludes the absolute convergence of series (12).
By (5), (6) and the lemma 2 of [25] , one gets
From (12) and (17), we get
where and C are matrices in the space of the square complex matrices of the same order N, satisfying the following conditions
and are positive stable matrices. (20)
This is an integral form of the Horn matrix function.
3. Recurrence Matrix Relations
Some recurrence matrix relations are carried out on the Horn matrix function. In this connection the following contiguous functions relations follows, directly by increasing or decreasing one in original relation
The same way, we can get some examples of contiguous functions relations directly
Note that and .
4. The Horn Matrix Function under the Differential Operator
Consider the differential operator D as given in [28] , takes the form
where and . The contiguous function relations of the Horn matrix function under the differential operator D will be given as follows
From (25), (26) and (27), it follows at once that
From (26), (27) and (28), we get
Operating with D on the Horn matrix function of two complex variables yields
Operate with on the Horn matrix function, we obtain
Similarly, for , we have
Hence the Horn matrix function is a solution of the partial differential equations in the forms (33) and (37).
Now, we see that
From (32), (35) and (38), we have
The -operator has been defined of two complex variables by Sayyed [28] in the form
where N is a finite positive integer.
We have by mathematical induction the following general form of differential operator to Horn matrix function in the form
5. Hadamard Product of Two Horn’s Matrix Functions
Let and are commutative matrices in such that are invertible matrices for all integers , .
The Hadamard product of two Horn’s matrix functions of two complex variables is defined in the form
Now, we prove that the Hadamard product of two Horn’s matrix functions of two complex variables convergence for all z and w with and . If n is large enough, one can write , then the following relation is satisfied [7]
Note that
Then by relation (43)-(45) for m large enough, such that , it follows that
Thus, the power matrix series (42) is convergent for all complex numbers and .
From relation (17) and the conditions (19) and (20), we can write
Therefore, an integral representation for Hadamard product of two Horn’s matrix functions is obtained.
Contiguous Functions Relation for Hadamard Product of Two Horn’s Matrix Functions
For the Hadamard product of two Horn’s matrix functions , we can define the contiguous function relations as follows
For all integers and we deduce that
The Hadamard product of two Horn’s matrix functions is affected by the differential operator D, so, for all, we obtain that
Next, let us operate with D on (5.1) on both sides, we obtain
Hence, we can find that
6. Conclusion
The results are established in this study to express a clear idea that the use of operational techniques provides a simple and straightforward method to get new relations for Horn matrix functions. Therefore, these results are considered original, variant, significant, interesting and capable to develop its study in the future.
1) The authors would like to thank the referees for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the paper.
2) The third Author (Ayman Shehata) expresses his sincere appreciation to Dr. Mohammed Eltayeb Elffaki Elasmaa (Assistant Prof. Department of English language, Faculty of Arts and Human Studies, University of Dongola, Sudan) for his kinds interests, encouragements, help and correcting language errors for this paper.
Open Problem
The same class of new differential and integral operators can be used for the Horn matrix functions. Hence, new results and further applications can be obtained. Further applications will be discussed in a forthcoming paper.
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Metwally, M.S., Mohamed, M.T. and Shehata, A. (2018) On Horn Matrix Function
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