caries in the present sample demonstrated that the prevalence of
caries in the posterior teeth overall increased among the under-
weight and normal girls compared to the anterior teeth. The
similar pattern and findings has been found from India (Mahe-
jabeen et al., 2006) and as well as from other parts of the world
(Bjarnason et al., 1995; Kerosuo & Honkala, 1991; O’Sullivan
& Tinanoff, 1996; Raadal et al., 1993).
This study indicates a close relationship between nutritional
status and dental caries in this region. Thus, instilling the posi-
tive attitudes towards the nutritional aspect of the family to-
wards the prevention of dental caries among the school going
children would reduce the prevalence at this tender age of life.
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sundari Balika Vidyabhaban, Howrah, West Bengal, India for
their cooperation in the study. Partial financial supports were
provided from Departmental Grant [B.I. 65 (8 & 9)], Depart-
ment of Anthropology, UCSTA, University of Calcutta and
SAP program [ASIHSS Program] (UGC), Department of An-
thropology, UCSTA, University of Calcutta.
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