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Soft Tissue Contributions to Pseudopathology of Ribs

Advances in Anthropology
2012. Vol.2, No.2, 57-63
Published Online May 2012 in SciRes (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/aa) http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/aa.2012.22007
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
Soft Tissue Contributions to Pseudopathology of Ribs
Courtney Anson1, Bruce Rothschild2,3,4*, Virginia Naples5
1Anthropology Department, Wooster Uni ve rsity, Wooster, USA
2Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA
3Anthropology Department, University of Kansas , Lawrence, USA
4Department of Medicine, Nor t h eas t Ohio Medical Uni versity, Rootstown, USA
5Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb , USA
Email: *bmr@ku.edu
Received February 16th, 2012; revised Ma rch 22 nd, 2012; ac c e p t e d A pr i l 1st, 2012
This study reports the results of a de novo classification and characterization of macroscopically perceiv-
able bone alterations relating to the pathologic significance of rib alterations as noted in defleshed bones.
We distinguish between nonspecific two-dimensional color alterations and three-dimensional surface
modification which appears to have diagnostic significance. Color alterations were patchy in nature with
brown being most prominent, followed by creamy, white and orange, but appear taphonomic in nature.
Categorization of three dimensional alterations, e.g., periosteal reaction, bumps and holes, identifies
which is specific for diagnosis of tuberculosis. Rib periosteal reaction is significantly more common
among individuals with tuberculosis than those with non-tubercular pulmonary disease (Chi square =
33.75, p < 0.0001), cancer (Chi square = 5.82, p < 0.02), cardiac disease (Chi square = 7.404, p < 0.008),
and others (Chi square = 63.19, p < 0.0001). This study explains past errors in recognition of the signifi-
cance of rib alterations.
Keywords: Periosteal Reaction; Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy; Bumps; Color
Ribs have long been a source of scientific, gastronomic and
even theological interest (Anon, 1959; Crocker, 1972; Schmidt
& Freyschmidt, 1993; Kunos et al., 1999). Their global anato-
mic appearance in humans is well characterized (Kunos et al.,
1999; Resnick, 2002). Somewhere between the global and his-
tologic appearance (Takahashi & Frost, 1966; Qui et al., 2003)
is a less-well defined area of study (Naples & Rothschild, 2011).
Macroscopic examination is the term applied to study of the
character of the external surface of bone (Rothschild & Martin,
1993, 2006).
Macroscopic examination of ribs reveals details which are
helpful in recognizing certain intra-thoracic pathologies (Schmidt
& Freyschmidt, 1993). This information derives predominantly
from individuals whose cause of death is recorded and whose
skeletons repose in medical collections, such as the Ham-
man-Todd and Terry Collections (Pfeiffer, 1991; Roberts et al.,
A great challenge to understand the significance of rib altera-
tions is the great variation in the reported frequency of skeletal
pathology, even with examination of identical skeletal series
(Kelly & Micozzi, 1984; Pfeiffer, 1991; Roberts et al., 1994;
Santos & Roberts, 2001). The challenge includes distinguishing
growth and taphonomic markings (Figure 1) from those related
to pathology. Pfeiffer (1991) relates Terry Collection (discussed
below) numbers 158, 255, 466, 468 and 522 as exemplary, but
our examination fails to identify any abnormalities. It is sus-
pected that she mistook residual (Figure 2) tissue (further
cleaned after her examination) for periosteal reaction. Unless
her catalogue designations derive from a different system
Figure 1.
Inferior view of ribs (Terry Collection 570). Pseudopathology (arrows)
related to focal spalling (loss of outer layer of bone). Appearance of
residual surrounding bone is sometimes mistaken for periosteal reac-
Figure 2.
Inferior view of rib (Terry Collection 424). Residual (adipocere or su-
ponified) tissues show the characteristic white appearance of this form
of taphonomic alteration.
than that currently utilized, her report highlights the chal-
This is analogous to the problem with periosteal reaction af-
*Corresponding author.
fecting the appendicular skeleton, reported variably as zero or
100% affliction, again examining the same population (Rose,
1985; Katzenberg, 1992; Byers, 1998; Larson as cited by Pow-
ell & Eisenberg, 1998). Our perception is intermediate and is
validated by an independent physical chemical technique predi-
cated upon the second law of thermodynamics (Rothschild &
Rothschild, 2003).
Concern that the same “Emperor’s New Clothing Syndrome”
might be operative in the lack of reproducibility of findings in
rib reports leads to an alternative approach. Are the researchers’
variable observations (Rose, 1985; Katzenberg, 1992; Byers,
1998; Larson as cited by Powell & Eisenberg, 1998) biased by
their mentors? Are their diagnostic criteria ever independently
validated? Pfeiffer (1991) arbitrarily divides rib lesions into
plaque, expansile and resorptive lesions, based on her previous
anthropologic experience. It is of interest, however, to identify
an independent system.
The current study categorizes macroscopic (as opposed to
global) rib alterations and assesses correlation with documented
pathology diagnose s.
Materials and Methods
The sample for this investigation is derived from the well-
studied Terry Collection. The Terry Collection consists of 1709
dissected individuals (of known age, sex, race and usually
cause of death) who died in St. Louis, Missouri between 1910
and 1940 and is currently curated at the National Museum of
Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (Roberts et al., 1994).
To establish an unbiased approach, an individual (AC) with
no prior training in osteology or bone pathology was therefore
asked to examine a series of individuals. She was not privy to
the perspectives of her coauthors. She was asked to identify any
alterations she perceived and to design a system for categoriz-
ing them. Two of us (BMR and VN) examined the same skele-
tal series and found that she successfully identified all ribs with
any surface alteration. The system she independently developed
for color, texture and cortical character alterations also proved
reproducible. Because time did not permit examination of the
entire Terry Collection, and biases are often inherent in selec-
tion techniques, cohort analysis is pursued. To evaluate rib
alterations as life experience(s), it seems appropriate to exam-
ine those representing the decades at the turn of the century.
Analysis is pursued with the cohort of 443 individuals born in
the 20 year period between 1890 and 1909. This sample (Table
1) consists of 52% males, 77% of whom were African Ameri-
Tuberculosis is responsible for 26% of deaths; pneumonia,
10%, cancer, 5%; and heart disease, 15%. Seventy-one of the
Table 1.
Cohorts born between 1890 and 1909.
Age Number Percent of total
17 - 19 6 1.4
20 - 29 89 20.1
30 - 39 174 39.3
40 - 49 94 21.2
50 - 59 50 11.3
>60 30 6.8
443 individuals have only acute trauma listed as cause of death,
have mortality-unrelated diagnoses (e.g., retroverted uterus) or
lack any diagnosis. Unfortunately, associated co-morbid disor-
ders are not provided for those with cause of death listed as
Alterations are divided into the following categories: Two
dimensional (i.e., color) and three dimensional (e.g., bumps,
periosteal reaction and holes). Distribution is recorded accord-
ing to whether noted alterations affected the proximal (closest
to the vertebra), middle or distal (closest to the costal cartilage)
portion of the rib.
Venous imprints are recognized on the basis of the classic
uniform serpiginous depressions on the rib pleural surface (as
opposed to superior or inferior margins). Hypertrophic osteoar-
thropathy is diagnosed on the basis of specific character of
appendicular skeleton periosteal reaction, in the absence of
subjacent osteomyelitis or subjacent lytic/blastic metastatic
lesions, was common in the time period represented by indi-
viduals with tuberculosis in the Terry Collection, as previously
described (Rothschild & Rothschild, 1998).
Diseases in this analysis are divided into the following cate-
gories: Pulmonary tuberculosis (labeled tuberculosis), non-tu-
bercular pulmonary disease (labeled pulmonary), cancer (e.g.,
breast, lung), cardiac and other. The cardiac category encom-
passes acute and non-acute cardiac events. The latter includes
myocarditis, valve disease, endocarditis and heart failure.
Chi square and Fisher Exact tests are performed to assess the
significance of correlation of tube rculosis with three-dimensi onal
rib alterations, color variation with rib distribution, symmetry
and disease, bumps and holes by diagnosis, location and quan-
tity, periosteal reaction by sex, ethnicity, localization and dis-
ease, and venous imprints by disease, symmetry and distribu-
Two dimensional (without macroscopically detectable thick-
ness) and three dimensional phenomena in the other individuals
are independentl y eva l u a t e d .
Two Dimensional Observations
These encompass color changes; divided into chalky, orange,
brown, cream, cream-white and white streaks, all of which are
patchy in distribution. Additionally, a shiny yellow layer or
white thick shiny rib covering is noted on the parietal surface of
some ribs (Figure 2), thought related to inadequate preparation
(defleshing). Color distribution is delineated by rib in Table 2
and by disease in Table 3. Brown is the most represented
patchy discoloration, followed in frequency by creamy, white
and orange.
Color variation is equally distributed as to side, with excep-
tion of creamy coloration of the second rib (Chi square = 4.36,
p < 0.04) and brown discolored patches on the fifth (Chi square
= 8.20, p < 0.004). Examined according to disease, variation of
symmetry is minimal. The greatest variation is in the 5th ribs
among individuals with tuberculosis, but that was not statisti-
ally significant (Chi square = 3.67). c
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 59
Table 2.
Color and vein marking distributio n (numbe r affected) according to rib number and affected side (L-R).
Color/Rib 1st 2
nd 3
rd 4
th 5
th 6
th 7
th 8
th 9
th 10th 11th 12th
Creamy 3 - 3 14 - 5 15 - 16 12 - 14 12 - 14 10 - 13 14 - 15 19 - 20 26 - 20 15 - 18 19 - 18 6 - 6
White 2 - 3 5 - 7 7 - 5 8 - 5 8 - 7 6 - 6 12 - 9 10 - 12 10 - 17 7 - 13 11 - 16 5 - 7
Brown 3 - 7 17 - 17 28 - 21 34 - 27 35 - 20 28 - 32 25 - 27 32 - 22 33 - 33 32 - 32 24 - 25 5 - 5
Orange 4 - 0 6 - 1 5 - 1 8 - 4 7 - 2 6 - 5 4 - 5 7 - 6 10 - 7 7 - 2 8 - 2 3 - 0
Vein Marking 0 - 0 6 - 8 15 - 14 16 - 14 15 - 15 1 7 - 16 1 - 14 8 - 13 7 - 13 9 - 12 7 - 10 4 - 6
Table 3.
Number of rib discolorations according to rib number, affected side (L-R) and diagnosis.
Rib/Disease (#) 1st 2nd 3
rd 4th 5
th 6
th 7
th 8
th 9
th 10th 11th 12th
TB* (117) 6 - 1
3% 30 - 11
18% 30 - 23
22% 31 - 23
22% 31 - 19
22% 23 - 28
22% 23 - 28
22% 26 - 27
22% 27 - 30
24% 26 - 26
22% 28 - 23
22% 5 - 3
Pulm* (46) 3 - 2
7% 5 - 8
15% 6 - 5
13% 6 - 5
13% 7 - 11
20% 6 - 7
13% 5 - 5
11% 11 - 7
20% 10 - 11
22% 6 - 8
15% 7 - 14
22% 5 - 3
Cancer (20) 0 - 0
0% 0-1
5% 2 - 0
5% 1 - 0
5% 2 - 0
5% 3 - 0
8% 1 - 1
5% 4 - 2
15% 6 - 1
20% 1 - 1
5% 1 - 3
10% 0 - 1
Heart (68) 3 - 4
6% 4 - 3
6% 10 - 8
13% 12 - 11
18% 12 - 3
12% 10 - 10
15% 12 - 11
16% 18 - 16
25% 22 - 21
32% 17 - 22§
29% 17 - 19§
26% 6 - 8
Other (189) 0 - 3
1% 7 - 5
3% 6-7
4% 12 - 7
5% 11 - 9
5% 11 - 12
6% 11 - 10
6% 12 - 7
5% 13 - 13
7% 13 - 11
6% 6 - 4
3% 3 - 2
*TB = Tuberculosis; Pulm = Pulmonary. §Three tenth and two eleventh ribs were creamy white on left and the only such ones.
Presence of patchy color is more common in the second rib
among individuals with tubercular and non-pulmonary disease,
than in the other categories (Chi square = 45.22, p < 0.0001).
Patchy color changes are more common in the third, fourth,
sixth and seventh ribs of individuals with tuberculosis than with
non-tubercular pulmonary disease (Chi square = 4.79, p < 0.04).
Limiting comparison to the 4th rib, involvement among indi-
viduals is statistically more common than with cardiac disease
(Chi square = 18.005, p < 0.0005). Seventh rib comparison (of
cardiac with tuberculosis groups) reveals Chi square of 15.333,
p < 0.0006; sixth, 17.66, p < 0.00006; and third, 16.241, p <
0.0006. Distribution in cancer shows predilection for the eighth
and ninth ribs (Chi square = 14.54, p < 0.0007). Cardiac disease
has predilection for the eighth through eleventh ribs (Chi square
= 68.685, p < 0.0001).
Figure 3.
Proximal internal view of rib (Terry Collection 962). Focal periosteal
reaction (arrow) partially overlying area of enthesial calcification (ar-
Table 4.
Number of individuals with three-dimensional markings according to
Diagnosis None Number
Affected Bumps Holes
Reaction Number
Tuberculosis 22
19% 95
81% 23
20% 3
3% 69
59% 117
Pulmonary 35
76% 11
24% 7
15% 2
4% 4
9% 46
Cancer 12
60% 8
40% 3*
15% 4
6% 5
25% 20
Cardiac 35
51% 33
49% 11
16% 4
6% 18
26% 68
Other 127
67% 72
38% 30
16% 3
2% 29
17% 189
Three Dimensional Observations
Three dimensional changes are divided into periosteal reac-
tion (Figure 3), bumps and holes, as opposed to enthesial reac-
tion (Figure 4). The latter represent calcification/ossification of
the aponeuroses of intercostal muscles. Three dimensional mark-
ings are present in 231 (52% of the sample studied (Table 4).
Individuals without tuberculosis are significantly less likely to
have any three-dimensional changes (Chi square = 73.86, p <
0.0001). Bumps and holes are equally present in all groups (Chi
square = 0.15, non-significant). One individual with cancer has
air bubble-like bumps on his ribs.
*One with bubbles.
The seventeen observed holes (Table 4) were equally dis-
Figure 4.
Internal view of ri bs (Terry Collection 1577). Calcification/ossification
(enthesial reaction) of the aponeuroses of intercostal muscles (arrows).
Note irregular articular surface of rib portion of costovertebral joints,
related to the underlying spondyloarthropathy. Wrinkled appearance
(arrowheads) is an artifact of preservation.
tributed across disease processes. Numbers were too small for
statistical analysis of correlations, so they were not further ana-
The distribution of bumps by rib segment is illustrated in
Table 5 (as symmetrical). The pulmonary group has an average
of 16.1 segments (divided into left and right proximal, middle
and distal) with bumps per individual, contrasted with 2.3 for
tuberculosis (Chi square = 221.946, p < 0.00001), 1.3 for can-
cer, and 1.0 for both cardiac and other. Tuberculosis signifi-
cantly affects more rib sections (Chi square = 19.944, p <
0.0005) than the cancer, cardiac or other categories.
Bumps predominantly affect the posterior segments of all
ribs in the tuberculosis and pulmonary groups, except for the
seventh (Chi square = 29.24, p < 0.0001). Anterior segments
are predominantly involved in the seventh. This contributes to
seventh ribs having maximal involvement in all disease groups,
although the pulmonary group maintains this frequency across
the 4th to 7th ribs, with only slight reduction in the 2nd, 3rd, 9th,
9th and 10th. Ninth and 10th rib bumps are more common among
individuals with non-tubercular pulmonary disease (Chi square
= 102.822, p < 0.00001).
One individual in this series has bubble-like bumps (Table 4)
on ribs. While cyst-like changes are reported as caused by os-
teonecrosis in polyarteritis nodosum (Schmidt & Freyschmidt,
1993), bubbles seem a unique observation. Their etiology in
this individual with cancer is unclear.
Periosteal Rea cti on
Periosteal reaction is present in 117 individuals (26.4%),
with frequency independent of sex and race for all diseases,
including tuberculosis (Chi square = 3.522 and 1.071, respec-
tively, non-significant). Right and left sides are equally affected
in the non-pulmonary categories. Rib periosteal reaction in
tuberculosis and non-tubercular pulmonary disease affects the
right side 20% more often than the left. Exception is the left
12th rib, affected in 4 individuals with tuberculosis (contrasted
with the right, in only one), but the difference is not statistically
Table 5.
Rib bumps as a function of rib number, region of rib, *side affected and diagnosis.
Rib/Diagnosis Side 1st 2
nd 3
rd 4
th 5
th 6
th 7
th 8
th 9
th 10th 11th 12th
Tuberculos is Right 1 Post 1 A-P 1 M- P
1 Post 1 M-P9 Ant
1 A-M
1- All 1 Mid 1 Post
Left 1 P ost 1 Post 1 All 1 All
1 Post 1 All
1 M-P1 All
1 All
1 M-P1 All
1 Post
Pulmonary Right 1 A-M 1 All
1 Post 1 All
1 Post 1 All
1 M-P1 All
1 M-P1 All
3 Post
1 All
1 Ant
1 A-P
1 All
2 Post 1 All
1 Post 1 All
1 Post 1 All
1 Post
Left 2 m-P
1 All
1 M-P 1 All
1 M-P
1 All
1 M-P
1 Mid
2 All
1 M-P1 All
1 M-P1 All
2 M-P
1 All
1 M-P
1 Post
1 All
1 M-P
1 Ant
1 All
1 M-P 1 All
1 M-P
1 Mid
Cancer Right 1 M-P 1 A-M
Heart Right 1 Post 7 Ant 1 A-M
Left 1 Ant 1 Post
Other Right 2 Post 1 Mid 1 Mid 1 Mid 1 A-M1 Mid 3 Ant
1 A-M1 Mid 1 M-P 1 All
1 Mid 1 Mid 1 Mid
Left 2 post 1 M-P 1 Mid
1 A-M
*Ant = Anterior; Mid = Middle; Post = Posterior; A-P = anterior and posterior; A-M = anterior and middle; M-P = middle and posterior; All = Anterior, posterior and
iddle affected. m
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
significant (Chi square = 0.01). As involvement shows no side
favoritism, distribution of only the right side is illustrated in
Table 6. A flat, bell-shaped curve describes the distribution for
all groups.
Rib periosteal reaction is significantly more common among
individuals with tuberculosis than those with non-tubercular
pulmonary disease (Chi square = 33.75, p < 0.0001), cancer
(Chi square = 5.82, p < 0.02), cardiac disease (Chi square =
7.404, p < 0.008), and others (Chi square = 63.19, p < 0.0001).
As the proximal third of ribs is involved in 50% (typically as-
sociated with involvement of middle or distal third), that por-
tion was chosen to illustrate relative frequency and extent of rib
involvement in the various disorders studied (Table 6).
Venous Impri nt s
Among three sites on each of 24 ribs, 149 examples (0.35%)
of venous imprints (of 4284 possible segments) are found
among individuals with tuberculosis, two (0.12%) with pneu-
monia, eight (1.0%) with cancer, 8 (0.33%) with cardiac dis-
ease; and 62 (0.94%) with other. Venous imprints are more
common among individuals in the cancer and other categories
than in those with tuberculosis, pulmonary disease or cardiac
disease (Chi square = 30.371, p < 0.0001).
Distribution of venous imprints on ribs is equal left and right
(Table 2), with the exception of the 7th rib, which manifests
significant side (left predominant) bias (Chi square = 11.3, p <
0.001). Rib seven is also unique in that the frequency of afflic-
tion with tuberculosis is statistically greater than with all other
groups combined (Chi square = 8.43, p < 0.005). However, the
frequency in tuberculosis and the group designated as other can
not be distinguished (Chi square = 2.72, non-significant).
Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy
Only one individual each with cancer, pneumonia and tuber-
culosis have hy pertrophic osteoarthropathy in this serie s. Among
those “other” individuals with periosteal reaction, 35 have
syphilis; 22, renal disease; 7, cirrhosis; 14, infections; and 2 are
drug addicts.
Quid significat’ might be said about the status of ribs. Con-
sistent with very brief, though important, mention in the the-
ologic literature and eclectic discussion in culinary literature is
anatomic literature coverage of the topic. While number of ribs,
general shape and gross variation have been discussed (Schmidt
& Freyschmidt, 1993; Glass et al., 2002; Resnick, 2002), the
significance of macroscopic variation is only minimally ex-
Table 6.
Distribution (number affected) of periosteal reaction as a function of
right rib number and disease.
Rib/Diagnosis 1st 2
nd 3
rd 4
th 5
th 6th 7
th 8
th 9
th 10th 11th 12th
Tuberculosis 3 15 26 28 2323 19 20 20 13101
Pulmonary 0 1 2 1 0 3 3 2 211
Cancer 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 100
Heart 3 5 6 7 6 7 8 6 751
Other 5 6 6 5 8 8 6 6 432
plored. What is anomaly and what is pathology?
The current study tries to identify hypotheses for the various
types of macroscopic rib alterations. It does not address well-
characterized gross (global) pathologies. What is the signifi-
cance of the changes present in ribs? They seem divided into
three basic phenomena: Alteration in the outermost layer of
bone (periosteal reaction), focal enlargements (bumps) and
defects (holes).
Bumps are equally present in all groups, suggesting that they
are anomalies, not disease. They have no differential signifi-
cance for distinguishing among the diseases studied and may
well represent normal variation. Thus they should at least not
be further considered in differential diagnosis. Holes are infre-
quent and must be evaluated on their own (e. g., diffu se damage
from multiple myeloma; Figure 5), without epidemiologic con-
sideration. Specific explanation for holes is beyond the scope of
the present study of ribs and, indeed, has not been defined for
other areas of the skeleton (Rothschild & Woods, 1993). They
do not appear to be related to ove r-maceration.
Periosteal reaction appears to be a useful diagnostic finding
in ribs. Its independence of age, race and side involved greatly
simplifies skeletal analysis, especially when ribs are only frag-
mentary in their preservation. Relationship of rib lesions to
tuberculosis is suggested by Kelly and El-Najjar in 1980, while
Molto (1990) discusses their differential diagnosis, including
osteomyelitis and histioc ytosis. Bla sti c a nd lyt ic r ib lesions may
represent actual infection or tumor. Laminated periosteal reac-
tion is reported in leuke mia and sclerotic areas, in mastocyt osis
(Schmidt & Freyschmidt, 1993). Rib periosteal reaction is in-
dependent of periosteal reaction affecting the peripheral skele-
ton and of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Pfeiffer (1991) re-
ports calcific plaques as a periosteal reaction. However in our
survey of rib surface morphology the plaques identified are
associated either with the inner surface of the intercostal mus-
culature or the parietal pleura (Naples & Rothschild, 2011).
These plaques were easily removed from the soft tissue sur-
faces to which they had been adhered and were clearly associ-
ated with dried soft tissues remaining on imperfectly cleaned
ribs. They do not actually represent periosteal reaction. Cyst-
Figure 5.
Macroscopic view of rib fragments (Terry Collection 787). Diffuse cir-
cular (actually spheroid) holes caused by multiple myelona. Note ta-
phonomic alterations occ a s ionally altered the circular appearance.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 61
like changes are reported in osteonecrosis related to polyarteri-
tis nodosum (Schmidt & Freyschmidt, 1993). Subperiosteal rib
resorption (not noted in this study) is found in hyperparathy-
roidism (Glass et al., 2002).
What are the implications of rib lesions for diagnosis of tu-
Periosteal reaction is significantly more common in tubercu-
losis than with other pulmonary diseases and more frequent
than in cardiac disease and cancer. Rib periosteal reaction is
independent (statistically) of peripheral periosteal reaction and
hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Osseous involvement in tuber-
culosis is reported in humans at a frequency of 5% (Nathanson
& Cohen, 1941; Rosencrantz et al., 1941; LaFond, 1958; Sen,
1961; Davies et al., 1984). Roberts et al. (1994: p. 172) report
“chronic inflammatory change of the visceral surfaces of one or
more ribs” in 24.2% of individuals examined. She states that
52.1% have pulmonary disease and 61.6% have tuberculosis.
22.2% of those who died of non-tubercular pulmonary disease
have rib lesions. More than half the rib lesions in her study are
in individuals with non-pulmonary causes of death. If her study
is valid, observation of rib lesions would not be a useful diag-
nostic tool. These numbers contrast with those of Kelly and
Micozzi (1984), who reported rib periosteal reaction or lytic
lesions (holes) in 8.98% of individuals whose cause of death is
recorded as tuberculosis. Equal distribution of color variation
among the ribs most in contact with the pleura suggests that
adherent (not fully removed in the preparation process) material,
rather the rib itself, may be the source of confusion in the study
by Roberts et al. (1994).
However, it is more likely that the great variation in the re-
ported frequency of skeletal pathology other than ribs (Kelly &
Micozzi, 1984; Pfeiffer, 1991; Roberts et al., 1994; Santos &
Roberts, 2001) represents a lack of standardization and valida-
tion of identification skills. The high frequency of alleged rib
periosteal reaction among individuals without tuberculosis in
the study by Roberts et al. (1994) is significantly deviant from
what was observed in the present study and unexplained, except
that perhaps all rib alterations were lumped and normal musc le
scars (Naples & Rothschild, 2011) (e.g., enhanced by the en-
hanced respiratory muscle activity in pulmonary disease) are
confused with the periostitis that seems more disease specific.
Rib periosteal reaction in isolated skeletons is not diagnostic.
However, population analysis may be more informative, espe-
cially if the first rib is available for assessment. Periostitis of
the first rib is parsimonious with the relative specificity of api-
cal pulmonary involvement for tuberculosis (Rothschild &
Martin, 2006).
Osseous involvement in tuberculosis has been reported in
humans at a frequency of 5% (Nathanson & Cohen, 1941;
Rosencrantz et al., 1941; LaFond, 1958; Sen, 1961; Davies et
al., 1984). Observations in the current study suggest that is
important epidemiologic information, but does not appear to
consider rib involvement. As rib preservation in archeologic
sites is highly variable, one might think that periosteal reaction
could be easily overlooked. However, the relatively equivalent
occurrence in the third through ninth ribs suggest it is feasible.
Equal involvement (by periosteal reaction) of the third through
ninth ribs is suggested as an additional marker for recognition
of tuberculosis.
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