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21035、 Parametric study to investigate rheolog…… porous media during hybri……lr injection.  (机械)IF=3-6 最后2位外国作者
21036、 UARM effective route for……- and Zn…… as highly efficient adsorbents towards Arsine (……) gas adsorption: Design and a systematic study.  (环境)IF=2-5 最后一位外国作者
21037、  Feasibility study of the integration……per-chlorine cycle wit……lcle powered by geothermal energy to…… and hydrogen by energy, exergy, and ……l evaluation.  (能源) IF=1-3 最后两位外国作者
21038、 A conception of ……n in fatty acid methyl est……l attributes using a novel model known as…….  (能源) IF=1-3  版面费7000RMB 只转一作+共同通讯
21040、 Impacts of perforations g……aminar flow and heat transfer over a……heat sink.  (机械)IF1-2 最后一位外国作者