expression coined successfully by Diegues (2004), what is
proposed is to understand theoretically “how fishing builds
It is noteworthy, however, that this does not imply the con-
struction of a theoretical approach to understanding groups of
fishermen-gatherers of sambaquis. The concepts presented should
not be regarded as landmarks of an approach, but as research
problems to be addressed from the perspective of material cul-
ture, providing opportunities to partially understand the rela-
tions with coastal environments, a specific aspect in the bicen-
tennial trajectory of the Archaeology of Sambaquis.
Acknowledgemen ts
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well as the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel/CAPES for their support through granting of Master
scholarship for Lucas Antonio da Silva and Postdoctoral scho-
larship (PNPD) for Gustavo Peretti Wagner.
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