X. Z. LI, J. H. ZHU
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. ACT
5. Conclusions
The total variation minimization is a powerful method to
reconstruct piecewise constant medical images based on
the compressed sensing theory. We consider the block
component averaging and diagonally-relaxed orthogonal
projection methods, in the case of the parameter 1
with the total variation in the compressed sensing frame-
work. Their convergence is derived in the striped-based
projection model.
The experiments indicate that the proposed algorithms
BCAVCS and BDROPCS converge faster than algo-
rithms without using block iterations or CS framework.
Moreover, algorithms BCAVCS and BDROPCS recover
more details of images. The convergence of algorithms
BCAVCS and BDROPCS in the general case of 1
will be further studied.
6. Acknowledgements
This study was supported by a Faculty Research Award
from Georgia Southern University.
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