Vol.1, No.1, 1-12 (2012) Advances in Aging Research http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/aar.2012.11001 A profile of personnel who work with retired volunteers at a service centre for elderly persons Sanet Jansen van Rensburg1, Herman Strydom2* 1Potchefstroom Service Centre for the Aged, Potchefstroom, South Africa; 2Social Work, Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa *Corresponding Author: herma n.strydom@nwu.ac. za Received 2 April 2012; revised 3 May 2012; accepted 10 May 2012 ABSTRACT This article focuses on a profile of personnel who work with retired volunteers. The data was sourced by using two standardised measuring instrument, interviews, focus groups and ob- servation. The Leadership Qualities Inventory (LQI-S) was used as one standardised measur- ing instrument. The following elements were measured namely leadership, people-oriented, task-oriented and self-oriented qualities. The Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI) was used as a second standardised instrument. This instru- ment measured the subconscious’ preferences in four quadrants namely analytical (L1), sys- tematic (L2), emotional (R2) and holistic (R1). From the data an empowerment programme was developed for personnel involved at service centres for elderly persons. Keywords: Profile, Personnel, Retired Volunteers, Service Centre, Elderly Persons 1. INTRODUCTION This article focuses specifically on determining the profile of personnel who work with retired volunteers. The personnel included in the study, are the 25 staff members (100%) of all eight service centres for the aged, within a radius of 150km of Potchefstroom. These staff members work directly with retired volunteers. The first standardised measuring instrument used in this study, was the Leadership Qualities Inventory (LQI-S). The following elements were measured: leadership, peo- ple-oriented, task-oriented and self-oriented qualities. A second standardised measuring instrument used, was the Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI). This instrument mea- sures the sub-conscious’ preferences in four quadrants: analytical (L1), systematic (L2), emotional (R2) and ho- listic (R1). This data is part of a larger study with the aim of developing and evaluating a need centralised empow- erment programme for personnel of service centres for the aged. 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT Van Zyl [1] clearly states that the transition between the active working phase and retirement brings certain adjustments to keep in mind, such as lowered monthly income, more leisure time, possible changes in their liv- ing environment, loss of friends and higher life expecta- tion. These are but some of the problems retired people are confronted with. Most service centres for the aged experience financial strain, and therefore cannot employ fulltime personnel to help with minor tasks at the centre. During 1995 there were 385 registered service centres in South Africa. This number declined to only 188 in 1998 [2]. The meaningful and effective use of retired volunteers could be valuable for both the retired person and the service centre. Mental stimulation is important to ensure overall good health in the senior years. Stim and Warner [3] are of the opinion that a retired person needs money, good health, a network of family and friends and to be actively involved in activities that will bring them joy. The joys of volun- teering lies in the fact that one can make a conscious deci- sion about the kind of work you’d like to be involved with, the amount of time that you are willing to spend doing the job, where you want to work and to experience the gratifi- cation of making a difference in someone else’s life [4]. To recruit and make use of volunteers might be quite simple, but most importantly these people should be trained and encouraged to stay involved in the long-term to ensure quality service delivery [5]. Personnel of ser- vice centres play an important part when it comes to training and motivation. Van der Lingen [6] clearly states that welfare organisations should employ the correct number as well as the right kind of people for the job(s). Management should also plan for the recruitment of Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 2 volunteers, because it is such an important component of service delivery at welfare organisations. Personnel don’t always know how to engage mean- ingful with retired volunteers [7]. During 1998 a study done by the United Parcel Service (UPS) Foundation [3], found that 41% of volunteers quit because they felt the welfare organisation for whom they volunteered, did not adequately make use of their time and talents. Almost 60% of this group would have liked to do more voluntary work if their time was better utilised. According to Szala-Meneok [8] it is ideal that people working with older volunteers should have the knowledge and experi- ence of the older person and should show sensitivity in the interpersonal relationship with the older person. An empowerment programme for personnel who works with retired volunteers will equip personnel with better knowledge and understanding of the older person. Jansen van Rensburg [7] recommends that such a programme be developed for personnel at service centres. In order to develop this empowerment programme, it is important to determine if any similarities between the brain profiles and leadership qualities of the personnel working with retired volunteers exist. 3. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The following research questions arise from the hy- pothesis. What are the leadership-, people-oriented-, task-ori- ented- and self-oriented qualities of personnel who work with retired volunteers? What does the average brain profile, of a person who works with retired volunteers, looks like? 4. RESEARCH AIM The aim of this article is to determine the profile of personnel—the brain profiles and leadership qualities— who work with retired volunteers. 4.1. Objectives In order to achieve abovementioned research aim, the following objectives must be achieved: 4.1.1. Objective 1 To determine the leadership, people-oriented, task-oriented and self-oriented qualities of the personnel. 4.1.2. Objective 2 To determine the average brain profile of personnel working with retired volunteers. 5. CENTRAL THEORETICAL HYPOTHESIS The turnover of volunteers can be minimised and be used to the advantage of both the service centre and re- tired volunteer, if the volunteer’s time and skills are util- ised more effectively by personnel who better under- stands the volunteer. 6. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The intervention research model (D & D model) as de- scribed in De Vos and Strydom [9] is used. The phases of the model, applicable to this article, are: Phase 1: problem analysis and project planning, and Phase 2: information collection and assembling as seen in Table 1. Table 1 highlights the first two phases of the interven- tion research model. Phase 1: The identified client is the personnel of ser- vice centres who work with retired volunteers. The community is concerned about the increasing percentage of older people who could still be of service, but who become lonely and no longer take part in the community. Aspects looked into, were the leadership qualities and average brain profile of the personnel who work with retired volunteers. The objectives would be to include the findings of the study in an empowerment programme aimed at better utilising the skills and time of retired volunteers. Phase 2: The data has been captured and compared to other research, as described in the literature. The re- searcher wanted to see if the data correlated to findings of other researchers. Information was gathered by use of two standardised questionnaires, qualitative research and observation. The data gathered, can effectively be incur- porated in the empowerment programme to guide per- sonnel to manage retired volunteers more effectively. 6.1. Participants The research refers to 25 personnel (100%) from eight service centres in a radius of 150 km from Potchefstroom. The age profile of the personnel: the youngest person Table 1. Intervention research model: phase 1 and phase 2. PHASE 1 PHASE 2 Problem analysis and project planning Information gathering and synthesis 1) Identifying and involving c lients 1) Using existing information sources 2) Gaining entry and co-operation from settings 2) Studying natural examples 3) Identifying concerns of the population 3) Identifying functional elements of successful models 4) Analysing concerns or problems identified 5) Setting goals and objectives Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 3 was 24 years and the oldest was 61 years. The average age of the personnel was 39 years and the average age of the volunteers was 71 years. Any of the personnel of par- ticipating service centres who directly work with retired volunteers, could take part in the research. The eight par- ticipating service centres were located in the North West-, Free State- and Gauteng- provinces of South Africa. ings the researcher can clarify uncertainties about the questionnaire. 6.2.1. Reliability Cronbach Alpha-values were calculated to establish the reliability of each sub scale of the Leadership Quali- ties Inventory. A value bigger or equal to 0.5 indicates that the sub scale is reliable [13]. Figure 1 shows the participating service centres, their names and where they are located. 6.2.2. Construct Validity 6.2. Measuring Instruments Exploratory factor analysis was done to test construct validity. The components of each sub scale were used in a specific exploratory factor analysis [14]. A standardised measuring instrument, namely the Leadership Qualities Inventory (LQI-S) was used [10]. Elements measured, were leadership, people-oriented, task-oriented and self-oriented qualities. A second stan- dardised measuring instrument was used, namely the Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI), [11]. This instrument measures the sub-conscious’ preferences in the following quadrants: analytical (L1), systematic (L2), emotional (R2) and holistic (R1). These instruments were handled in focus groups with the personnel of the service centres. After each respondent completed his or her questionnaire, a group discussion took place. Morris [12] describes group interviews as the “bringing together of personnel in order to complete questionnaires”. During these meet- 6.2.3. Sampling Adequacy Kaiser’s Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA) was used. To determine whether a factor analysis might be suitable, Kaiser’s standard must be calculated from the sample (MSA). This determines the correlations between variables. Guidelines for MSA values for a factor analy- sis are: 0.80: meritorious 0.70: middling 0.60: mediocre 0.50: miserable <0.50: unacceptable [15]. CARLETONVILLE Sanatus SERVICE CENTRES BRITS Brits MAKWASSIE a aars oud PARYS ajaarsrus VEREENIGING Drie Riviere HEILBRON Heilbron POTCHEFSTROOM Potchefstroom PROMOSA Ha Hearts Km 0 12.5 25 50 75 100 Figure 1. Participating service centres. OPEN ACCESS
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 4 6.3. Procedure The survey procedure was used during the study. ‘Survey’ is defined as the method where data is gathered from a representative sample so that the variables will be applicable to large and small populations [16,17]. A pre- test of the measuring instruments was done during a personnel enrichment course held in 2010 for all heads of departments of the Potchefstroom Service Centre for the Aged. According to Babbie [16], Engel and Schutt [18] and Unrau [19] the pretesting of a questionnaire is of utmost importance, because this will exclude any ambi- guities and indistinct questions. The pretest is the final phase of questionnaire preparation. Pretesting represents all aspects of the data gathering plan on a small scale. People who qualified for the study were informed tele- phonically to obtain their consent to participate. Seperate appointments were made with participating service cen- tres and all participating personnel were approached during the same timeframe. Those service centres with more than one member of personnel in their service, and who make use of retired volunteers, were engaged in focus groups [12]. Additional information was gathered through qualitative questions about the specific opinions of the personnel, observation and feed back of respon- dents, and field notes were taken [20]. 6.4. Ethical Aspects Ethical approval was obtained from the Research Eth- ics Committee of the North West University’s Potchef- stroom campus. The reference number is NWU-0017- 08-S1. Participation of the study group was at all times voluntary. Informed consent was obtained to assure that participation of the study group was indeed voluntary, and that they could quit at any time, should they want to [21]. According to Szala-Meneok [8], the following three ethical principles namely respect for other people, good- will and fairness is of utmost importance when working with older people. The procedure as well as the objective of the study was explained. Respondents were not misled. All personal information was handled anonymously and confidentially [22,23]. 6.5. Data Processing The standardised scale which measures qualities of leadership, was processed by computer by using a com- puter programme by Faul and Hanekom [10]. The Neeth- ling Brain Instrument [24] was processed by computer by using Neethling’s computer programme by Orton (owner of a registered personnel agency). The goal is to achieve triangulation of data by using different measure- ing instruments. Each instrument has its weaknesses and strengths, but through triangulation the strengths of one instrument compensates for the weaknesses of another procedure [16,25,26]. 7. FINDINGS Findings will be discussed by making use of two standardised measuring instruments, namely the Leader- ship Qualities Inventory (LQI-S) and the Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI). The researcher’s observation as well as feedback from the respondents will also be discussed. Each respondent’s results were marked out separately. Respondents will receive the results at the end of the study, and they will be given opportunity to discuss these. For this study the researcher makes use of the partici- pants’ average values. Each respondent measures differ- ently—some have higher values, and some have lower values. 7.1. Leadership Qualities Inventory (LQI-S) By making use of the Leadership Qualities Inventory (LQI-S) [10] the following qualities were measured: leadership, people-oriented, task-oriented and self-oriented qualities. These qualities are measured against the following directives A score of more than 61 suggests optimal and healthy functioning. A score between 55 and 60 is admonitory. A problem may develop. A score of 54 or less is a sign that there is room for improvement, or that the quality is not fully activated (B. Hanekom, personal communication, July 16, 2010). Qualities with scores of 54 or less need to be worked on. The total of this scale amounts to 100. 7.1.1. Leadership Dynamics Leadership ability as shown in Figure 2 consists of problem solving and leadership. Both these components have scores higher than 61—this means optimal func- tioning takes place. Problem Solving Ability: The Present Score is 72 Personnel do not avoid problems and they do not get overwhelmed by the size of problems. Problems do not leave them feeling helpless and important decisions are not being taken during times when personnel are feeling depressed. Leadership Ability: The Present Score Is 65 The personnel can successfully manage people. They can lead others and have the ability to get others to work well together. 7.1.2. People-Oriented Qualities People oriented qualities include servant hood, listen- Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 5 ing skills, interpersonal skills and persuasion skills. The first three qualities mentioned functions optimal, but persuasion skills are under activated and leaves room for improvement. The people oriented qualities as shown in Figure 3 are discussed as follows: Servant Hood: The Present Score Is 81 Respondents are optimally available and willing to help and serve others. Listening Skills: The Present Score Is 77 Involved respondents take great care to pay attention to what others have to say; they pay attention to people and pay attention to others body language when they talk. Interpersonal Skills: The Present Score Is 76 The focus is not on what they can get out of people, it is easy for the respondents to interact with people, to work well with others, not to isolate themselves and to relate to people. Persuasiveness: The Present Score Is 54 There is room for improvement in persuading others, to influence others to follow, to communicate enthusias- tically and to persuade others to think differently. 7.1.3. Task-Oriented Qualities Commitment, initiative, responsibility and competence forms part of task-oriented qualities. All four of these qualities are functioning optimally. The task-oriented qualities included commitment, ini- tiative, responsibility and competence. The score of these qualities are shown in Figure 4. Commitment: The Present Score Is 81 The respondents find it easy to set goals, live life to the fullest, do not quit under difficult circumstances and easily keep their promises. Initiative: The Present Score Is 77 Respondents are self-motivated, they are not counting on others to keep them going, they handle problems themselves, make things happen, do not let mistakes hinder them and do not hesitate to take action. Responsibility: The Present Score Is 77 Respondents handle difficult situations with ease, make decisions on their own, manage their lives, do not count on other people’s abilities and have the ability to finish tasks successfully. Competence: The Present Score Is 64 The respondents perform well in what they do, com- plete tasks with success, are high achievers overall, other people have trust in the way the respondents do their work and the respondents pay undivided attention to their duties. 7.1.4. Self-Oriented Qualities Self-oriented qualities as indicated in Figure 5 include: positive attitude, focus, passion, inner security and 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 72 65 Problem solving ability Leadership ability Figure 2. Leadership dynamics. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 81 77 76 54* 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Servanthood Listening skills Interpersional skills Persuasiveness Figure 3. People-oriented qualities. Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 81 77 77 64 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Commitment Initiative Responsibility Competence Figure 4. Task-oriented qualities. self-discipline. All these components function optimally, which means that they scored higher than 61. Self-disci- pline has the lowest score of 66 out of 100. Positive Attitude: The Present Score Is 79 The personnel at the participating service centres all have a positive outlook on life. They are positive people, optimistic and choose to trust others. Focus: The Present Score Is 75 The respondents focus on their strengths, important tasks, on their priorities and focus on what they do well. Passion: The Present Score Is 74 The respondents are not discouraged by problems, are excited and enthusiastic about life and live life to the fullest. They enjoy what they do. Inner Security: The Present Score Is 74 It is clear from the study that respondents are not jeal- ous of people more successful than themselves. They experience security and are not afraid of abandonment. Self-Discipline: The Present Score Is 66 Respondents stay focussed on results, follow their pri- orities, and develop systems to be successful. Self-disci- pline is a lifestyle to them. The average of the respondents leadership qualities are as follow: From the above leadership qualities as shown in His- togram 1, it is clear that the three strongest leadership components are: 1) Servant hood—score 81 Servant hood means to be serving others, to be of ser- vice to others and to extend a helping hand to someone else. They are available and willing to serve others and to do good deeds for others. The empowerment programme will have to teach the respondents to set boundaries and not to serve others at their own cost. 2) Commitment—score 81 The personnel are committed and dedicated to their work. They live life to the fullest and can still go on even in difficult circumstances. They honour their promises. The empowerment programme will have to focus on giving direction to personnel’s commitment in respect of what has to be done, and how to do it. 3) Positive attitude—score 79 A positive attitude can be characterised by security that emphasises that which is praiseworthy and good. The personnel have a positive outlook and attitude to- wards life; they see the best in all situations and think positively. The empowerment programme will once again have to focus on what must be done, and how to do it. The four weakest components or where there is scope for improvement: 1) Persuasiveness—score 54 Persuasiveness is the ability to share knowledge and ideas and convey a feeling of urgency and enthusiasm. It is to convey a clear message and to motivate others to react on the message. Personnel will have to be equipped to be able to persuade others to follow set goals, and to communicate with enthusiasm, and persuade others to think differently. 2) Competence—score 64 Competence is the ability to communicate, plan and execute a plan in such a way that others will see and know that a person is able to do a certain task, and will therefore follow the person. The programme will have to focus on empowering personnel to achieve higher goals and to successfully complete tasks, and by doing so, gain other’s trust. 3) Leadership ability—score 65 Leadership skills are the ability and motivation to lead others to follow a common goal, to motivate, and gain their trust. The empowerment programme will have to empower personnel to successfully manage, effectively lead and help retired volunteers work better together. 4) Self-discipline—score 66 Self-discipline is the ability to discipline one’s own feelings and desires with the objective to better one self. he service centres’ personnel who works with retired T Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 79 75 74 74 66 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Positive attitude Focus Passion Inner security Self-discipline Figure 5. Self-oriented qualities. Histogram 1. Summary of leadership qualities. volunteers, have to be empowered to stay results focus- sed, to be able to identify and focus on priorities and to be able to develop systems that will lead them to success. 7.2. Reliability, Construct Validity and Sufficiency The Cronbach Alpha-reliability, explorative factor analysis and Kaiser’s measure showed that the standard- ised questionnaire was reliable, construct valid and suffi- cient [27]. The reliability of the standardised questionnaire (LQI- S) was tested as follow. The Cronbach Alpha-reliability must be higher than 0.5. According to the Cronbach Alpha-reliability study, Table 2 above shows that the questionnaire in use is re- liable and valid. The study population was compared to the original standardised test. Anastasi and Urbina [28] describe reliability as a test that refers to the consistency of scores obtained by the same people when they are re-examined by using the same test on different occasions, or with a different sets of equivalent items, or under different examining condi- tions. The validity of a test lies in what the test measures, and how well it does [28]. If the test is valid, it will measure what it is suppose to measure. Given the diversity of the participating respondents, compilers of all studies who are involved in psychosocial testing, should make provision for the reliability coeffi- cient on the scores for the data analysis. Pedhazur and Schmelkin [29] argues as follow: “Researchers who bother at all to report reliability estimates for the instru- ments they use (many do not) frequently report only re- liability estimates contained in the manuals of the in- struments or estimates reported by other researchers. Such information may be useful for comparative pur- poses, but it is imperative to recognise that the relevant reliability estimate is the one obtained for the sample used in the study under consideration.” According to Nunnally and Bernstein [30], validity is a matter of degree rather than an all-or-none property, and validation is an unending process. The most psy- chosocial measures must constantly be evaluated, and Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 8 Table 2. Cronbach alpha-reliability. Sub Scale How the Test Was Standardised Originally Study Population Leadership 0.69 0.87 Problem solving skills 0.53 0.86 Persuasiveness 0.58 0.70 Listening skills 0.66 0.84 Interpersonal skills 0.64 0.88 Servanthood 0.65 0.87 Commitment 0.53 0.60 Competence 0.58 0.70 Initiative 0.46 0.84 Responsibility 0.52 0.82 Focus 0.65 0.72 Passion 0.83 0.82 Positive attitude 0.66 0.87 Inner security 0.56 0.83 Self-discipline 0.59 0.66 re-evaluated, to assure that they are behaving as they should. More than one factor was withdrawn from the ubove sub scales in Table 3—problem solving skills, compe- tence, passion, positive attitude and self-discipline. The sub scales consists of two components. 7.3. Neethling Brain Instrument According to Neethling [31] the left brain has more grey matter in relation to white matter, than the right brain. The grey matter of the left brain is an indication of how many organised facts a person has mastered, while the white matter of the right brain is an indication of how much visual, sensory and emotional information a person can process, leading to intuition (“I feel something is going to happen”-feeling). The technique consists out of a variety of questionnaires that measures a person’s brain functions for specific circumstances. A brain profile is then compiled. The Neethling Brain Profile Instrument accurately shows the thinking preferences of a person and the implications thereof. The scale also shows the non-dominant areas. The person has a choice if they want to develop the skills and attitudes in these specific areas. The left brain controls the right side of the body, and the right brain controls the left side of the body [32]. If the person is a L1 dominant person, they cannot be- come a R2 person, but they can learn how to behave spontaneously and with ease in the other dimensions. This is the biggest “battery” of the whole brain instru- ment in the world. The rational of the technique is that a person’s brain can be divided into four quadrants, as shown in Table 4 each with its own brain functions [33]. According to Neethling and Rutherford [32], re- search on the two hemispheres of the brain showed that each hemisphere handles information differently. Neethling [31] quotes Torrance’s practical explana- tion of the characteristics of the left and right brain as shown in Table 5. Example of a left/right brain diary [32] 7.3.1. Dominant Left Brain According to Neethling and Rutherford [32], the per- son with strong L1 preferences will solve problems in a logical way, will consider financial aspects, will be pre- cise, and won’t show too much emotion. Factual accu- racy and evaluation of facts will be important for this person. The person with strong L2 preferences will choose to organise things and be aware of important information. Projects will be implemented without delay, financial aspects will be considered with care and security will be a priority [32]. 7.3.2. Dominant Right Brain Neethling and Rutherford (1996) says the person with a R2 preference will have a ‘gut feeling’ for other people and circumstances, will be able to read body language and enjoys interaction. Figure 6 shows that the person with a R1 preference will see the greater picture, in stead of detail, will be aware of the concealed possibilities, will not play by the rules all the time, react on emotion rather than logic to solve problems and they will rather like to do their own thing [32]. According to Neethling, Rutherford and Prince [34], no two persons are the same. Everyone have different skills and abilities. The human being must use these unique abilities to achieve much more than what looks possible. Whole brain flexibility is an educational task that should start with parents and teachers. The end result of such a process is that we will experience a state of joy and excitement in our relationships. Graphic 1 represents the brain profile of the respon- dents look like (F. Orton, personal communication, Sep- tember 1, 2010): The norm of the brain quadrants is 75. The respon- dents tested as follow: Analytical (L1)—79 Systemic (L2)—77 Strategic (R1)—69 Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS 9 Table 3. Exploratory factor analysis. Sub scale Number of factors withdrawn MSAPercentage variationCommonalities minimum Commonalities maximum Leadership 1 0.6870.85% 0.68 0.87 Problem solving skills 2 0.8159.47% 0.32 0.75 Persuasiveness 1 0.5653.02% 0.31 0.79 Listening skills 1 0.7861.88% 0.36 0.72 Interpersonal skills 1 0.8066.94% 0.32 0.79 Servant hood 1 0.7280.44% 0.77 0.86 Commitment 1 0.7153.47% 0.10 0.72 Competence 2 0.6667.03% 0.53 0.76 Initiative 1 0.7657.34% 0.44 0.71 Responsibility 1 0.8360.52% 0.16 0.77 Focus 1 0.6859.71% 0.04 0.86 Passion 2 0.6670.65% 0.37 0.90 Positive attitude 2 0.7570.99% 0.46 0.87 Inner security 1 0.7470.63% 0.50 0.80 Self-discipline 2 0.5373.19% 0.49 0.93 Table 4. Brain quadrants. L1 Analitical R1 Strategic/Holistic L2 Sistematic R2 Emotional Emotional (R2)—75. Thus the respondents’ average brain preference is left brain oriented. According to Neethling [31], people with a left brain preference feels comfortable with the follow- ing: They analyse situations and problems in the finest de- tail; Have a logical and rational approach; Gather facts; Excels in accounting and financial calculations; Approach problems in a practical manner; Excels in organising and planning; Develop detailed plans and procedures; Likes rules, regulations and boundaries; Give preference to administrative work; Is comfortable with implementing tasks and instruct- tions. According to F. Orton (personal communication, January 10, 2011), left brain dominancy is important for personnel who primarily work with people, like retired volunteers. It helps to maintain a healthy objectivity with regard to the emotional right brain. Management styles that suits the personnel, contributes to their commitment to the service centre. Passion contributes to positive atti- tudes with regard to service delivery to older persons. 8. PERSONNEL’S OPINIONS ON MEASURING INSTRUMENTS The respondents were asked to voice their opinions on the content of the measuring instruments: “If you can learn something new, why not?” “Thank you that you are willing to invest in the ser- vice centre’s personnel. You made my week!” “Now we feel more enthusiastic” “This study brings hope” “We have a huge desire to gain more knowledge on retired volunteers” “I am inspired again” “Thank you for all the practical ideas. I look forward in anticipation to make better use of the retired volun- teers” 9. DISCUSSION The strongest leadership qualities are servant hood, commitment and positive attitude. These qualities are important in non-profit organisations. The weakest com- ponents, but not crisis components, are persuasiveness, competence, leadership skills and self-discipline. The empowerment programme must pay attention to persua- siveness. Londt [35] makes the following statement: The empowerment of volunteers forms part of the “
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 10 Table 5. Characteristics of the right and left brain. Left brain Right brain Remembers names Remembers faces React on verbal instructions and explanations Reacts on demonstrated instructions (non-verbal and symbolic) Does things systematic and controlled Does things spontaneous, rather than in logical order Chooses to break up problems in smaller parts and solve it that way Chooses to solve a problem by looking at the whole picture Likes planning and structure Shows spontaneity Likes tested information Likes new, sometimes untested information Mainly thinks and remembers in language Thinks and remembers mainly in pictures Likes questions with multiple answers Likes open type questions Likes circumstances with an authoritarian system Likes collegiate systems Controls emotion very good Gives more freedom to emotions Does not have a good understanding of body language Has a good understanding of body language Uses the minimum metaphors and analogies Uses a lot of metaphorical language January February March January February March February Tuesday February Tuesday 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 Marike 082 566 5985 Ouch!! Meeting Call Marike 082 566 5985 Dentist appointment Dr Dennis Jogging Management meeting Figure 6. Example of a left/right brain diary [32]. empowerment of communities”. Personnel and specifi- cally the management of service centres do not have a common body that trains personnel. The empowerment programme will fill this gap with regards to gaining knowledge. The average brain preference of the respon- dents is left brain oriented. This is important for person- nel working with people, because it helps to obtain a healthy objectivity with regard to emotions. Even though Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
M. S. J. van Rensburg / Advances in Aging Research 1 (2012) 1-12 11 Analitical Systematic Straegic Emotional 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 66 64 orm Gr o up Graphic 1. Profile of the respondents. the measurements scored well, there is still room for im- provement and a need for an empowerment programme. Personnel have a need for training, as the most service centres does not supply these. They experienced the Leadership Quality Inventory and Neethling’s Brain Pro- file in a positive way. 10. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations were made: The respondents must receive feedback on their lead- ership qualities, as well as their brain profiles; Personnel must be encouraged to expand their knowl- edge with regard to their leadership qualities that scored the highest, and should get guidance to improve other components; If personnel and their colleagues know what their brain preferences are, they will have a better understand- ing of each other. This will lead to better team work; The leadership qualities and brain preferences of per- sonnel working with retired volunteers will form part of the empowerment programme. 11. CONCLUSION In this article the leadership-, people-oriented-, task- oriented- and self-oriented qualities of personnel partici- pating in the study, was discussed. The brain profile of each member of personnel was determined and the find- ings showed that participating personnel were mainly left brain dominant. The profile further indicated that servant hood, commitment and a positive attitude were the strongest leadership qualities. REFERENCES [1] Van Zyl, C.C. (1992) A social work model for retirement planning. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein. [2] South Africa. Department of Social Development. (2005) South African policy for older persons. Government Printers, Pretoria. [3] Stim, R. and Warner, R. (2008) Retire happy: What you can do now to guarantee a great retirement. Nolo, Berke- ley. [4] Daries, J. (1999) Older volunteers—A vital link in com- munity care. National Conference of the South African Council for the Aged, Cape Town, 11-13 August 1999. [5] Tang, F., Morrow-Howell, N. and Hong, S. (2009) Insti- tutional facilitation in sustained volunteering among older adult volunteers. Social Work Research, 33,172-182. doi:10.1093/swr/33.3.172 [6] Van Der Lingen, J. (2007) The empowerment of volun- teers at a faith based organisation. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch. [7] Jansen van Rensburg, S.M. (2009) The role of the retired volunteer in the functioning of the Potchefstroom Service Centre for the Aged. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom. [8] Szala-Meneok, K. (2009) Ethical research with older adults. In: Mertens, D.M. and Ginsberg, P.E., Eds., Social research Ethics, Sage, London, 507-517. [9] De Vos, A.S. and Strydom, H. (2011) Intervention re- search. In De Vos, A.S., Strydom, H., Fouché, C.B. and Delport, C.S.L., Eds., Research at Grass Roots: For the Social Science and Human Service Professions. 4th Edi- tion. Van Schaik, Pretoria, 473-490. [10] Faul, A.C. and Hanekom, A.J. (2005) Ecometric assess- ment scales. Perspective Training College, Potchef- stroom. [11] Korf, L. (2009) Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI). Solu- tions Finding, Johannesburg. [12] Morris, T. (2006) Social work research methods: Four alternative paradigms. Sage, London. [13] Gravetter, F.J. and Forzano, L.B. (2003) Research meth- ods for the behavioural sciences. Thomson Wadsworth, New York. [14] Monette, D.R., Sullivan, T.J. and De Jong, C.R. (2005) Applied social research: A tool for the human services. Thomson Brooks/Cole, London. [15] Hair, J.R., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R.L. and Blak, W.C. (1998) Multivariate data analysis. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River. [16] Babbie, E. (2010) The practice of social research. 12th Edition, Wadsworth, Belmont. [17] Bailey, K.D. (1994) Methods of social research. The Free Press, New York. [18] Engel, R.J. and Schutt, R.K. (2008) Survey research. In: Grinnell, R.M. and Unrau, Y.A., Eds., Social Work Re- search and Evaluation: Foundations of Evidence-Based Practice, 8th Edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 266-304. [19] Unrau, Y.A. (2008) Selecting a data collection method. In: Grinnell, R.M. and Unrau, Y.A., Eds., Social Work Re- search and Evaluation: Foundations of Evidence-Based Practice. Oxford University Press, New York, 328-341. [20] Strydom, H. (2011) Information collection: Participant observation. In: De Vos, A.S., Strydom, H., Fouché, C.B. and Delport, C.S.L., Eds., Research at Grass Roots: For the Social Science and Human Service Professions. 4th Copyright © 2012 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
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