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Letter to the Editor

Vol.2, No.3, 73-73 (2013) Advances in Alzheimer ’s Disease
Letter to the Editor
Lin Shi
Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China;
Received 10 June 2013; revised 20 June 2013; accepted 27 July 2013
Copyright © 2013 Lin Shi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distributi on, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Dear Editor
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common type
of dementia. It causes an impact of caregiving on care-
givers, on economy of a society, and cost and demand of
a health care system. According to the report in 2011
from Alzheimer’s Association, approximately 13 percent
of people aged 65 or older have AD in the United States.
Study in AD is one of the fastest growing interests in the
field of dementia and gerontology. The scientific study
of AD has grown rapidly in the last two decades from
2095 publications in 1992 to 4960 in 2002 and 9882 in
2012 by searching the keyword “Alzheimer” in Scopus.
The number of publications doubles every decade but the
number of journals that focus on AD research and de-
mentia is very limited. To meet the fast growing and ad-
vanced technologies in pathogenesis, diagnosis and prog-
nosis of AD, a comprehensive and periodical platform
will satisfy the need to provide unique and updated in-
formation in this field. Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease
(AAD) is a new quarterly scientific journal to share and
discuss new issues, findings and advanced developments
in AD.
The scopes of AAD include but are not limited to an-
imal models, etiology, epidemiology, genetics, patho-
genesis, diagnosis, therapeutic development and behave-
ioral study of AD. It accepts original articles, short re-
ports that present theoretical ideas and book reviews. Our
goal is to present high quality of manuscripts and allow
easy access for researchers to collect valuable information.
In AD research, studies may involve genetic experi-
ment, pathogenesis, neurological changes, therapeutics
evaluation, medical imaging, biological changes etc. The
editorial board is composed of researchers and specialists
with a broad range of interests in Molecular Biology,
Genetics, Pathology, Neurological Sciences, Medicine,
Computer Science, Pharmacy, Biochemistry etc. from
different counties and regions over the world. We are
committed to the highest quality of scientific research on
AD. With a team of members from multidiscipline, our
goal is to conduct AD research from different approaches
such as in radiology, psychiatry, neurology, computer
science and medical engineering. I believe this platform
will attract submissions of manuscripts with good stan-
dard and quality o f scien tific collections in AD research.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS

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