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时间:2019-02-26 09:43:36  来源:[!--befrom--]  作者:[!--writer--]
Effects of procyanidins on exercise-induced fatigue and antioxidant capacity in mice
Zang shouxiang
College of Physical Education, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830054
ABSTRACT:To study the effects of proanthocyanidins on exercise-induced fatigue and antioxidant capacity in mice, 45 healthy male mice aged 5 weeks were selected from October 2018 to December 2018 and randomly divided into three groups (quiet control group, simple exercise group and experimental group) for 8 weeks swimming training. After the mice were executed under anesthesia, blood tissues were collected and serum indexes were detected. The results showed that after taking proanthocyanidins, the exhaustion time of the experimental group (13.6±1.1) min was longer than that of the quiet control group (9.1±0.6) min and the simple exercise group(8.9±0.8)min (t=7.362,6.231,P<0.05).After the experiment, the blood of mice was tested. The results showed that the serum levels of MDA (6.15±0.85) nmol/ml and BUN (8.11±0.62) nmol/ml in the experimental group were significantly lower than those in the simple exercise group (7.24±1.03, 9.86±0.53) nmol/ml, (t=7.642, 6.571, P<0.05). It indicated that proanthocyanidins had a strong effect on reducing the levels of MDA and BUN in mice with running fatigue. Effect; The serum SOD (36.74 ±0.57) U/ml, GSH-PX (41.71±1.38) U/ml, T-AOC (0.73±0.16) U/ml activities in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the quiet control group (34.41±1.91,36.97±0.79,0.48±0.12) U/ml (t=4.712,5.541,6.971,P<0.05)., andCompared with SOD (31.44±1.47) U/ml, GSH-PX (32.01±0.81) U/ml and T-AOC (0.25±0.06) U/ml in the exercise group, the activity of anthocyanins in the test group was significantly increased(t=7.642,5.481,6.851,P<0.01).Anthocyanins can improve the anti-exercise fatigue and anti-oxidation ability of mice, which is of great value for the later application of proanthocyanidins to human body.
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